import asciidata
import numpy as np
import pylab as py
from jlu.observe import weather
import pyfits
import math
import datetime
def summarize_observing_conditions(fitsFiles):
Summarize the observing conditions for a set of fits files. Select
out the dates and times, range of airmasses, temperature,
pressure, humidity, and water vapor column.
count = len(fitsFiles)
# Here is the data we are going to collect from the fits headers
year = np.zeros(count, dtype=int)
month = np.zeros(count, dtype=int)
day = np.zeros(count, dtype=int)
hour = np.zeros(count, dtype=int)
minute = np.zeros(count, dtype=int)
airmass = np.zeros(count, dtype=float)
water_column = np.zeros(count, dtype=float)
for ii in range(len(fitsFiles)):
# Get header info
hdr = pyfits.getheader(fitsFiles[ii])
airmass[ii] = float(hdr['AIRMASS'])
date = hdr['DATE-OBS'].split('-')
_year = int(date[0])
_month = int(date[1])
_day = int(date[2])
utc = hdr['UTC'].split(':')
_hour = int(utc[0])
_minute = int(utc[1])
_second = int(math.floor(float(utc[2])))
utc = datetime.datetime(_year, _month, _day, _hour, _minute, _second)
utc2hst = datetime.timedelta(hours=-10)
hst = utc + utc2hst
year[ii] = hst.year
month[ii] = hst.month
day[ii] =
hour[ii] = hst.hour
minute[ii] = hst.minute
# Get the water column in mm of H2O
water_column[ii] = weather.cso_water_column(_year, _month, _day,
_hour, _minute)
# Now lets fetch the CFHT weather data
(temperature, pressure, humidity, wind_speed, wind_dir) = \
weather.cfht_weather_data(year, month, day, hour, minute)
# Print out a nicely formatted table
print('%-20s %4s %2s %2s %2s %2s %4s %4s %5s %5s %4s %4s %4s' % \
('Filename', 'Year', 'M', 'D', 'h', 'm', 'AirM', 'H2O', 'Temp',
'Press', 'Humi', 'Wind', 'Dir'))
print('%-20s %4s %2s %2s %2s %2s %4s %4s %5s %5s %4s %4s %4s' % \
('HST', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'mm', 'C', 'mbar', '%', 'km/h', 'deg'))
print('%-20s %4s %2s %2s %2s %2s %4s %4s %5s %5s %4s %4s %4s' % \
('--------', '----', '--', '--', '--', '--', '----', '----', '-----',
'-----', '----', '----', '----'))
for ii in range(len(fitsFiles)):
print('%-20s %4d %2d %2d %2d %2d ' % \
(fitsFiles[ii], year[ii], month[ii], day[ii], hour[ii], minute[ii]),)
print('%4.2f %4.2f %5.1f %5.1f %4.1f %4.1f %4d' % \
(airmass[ii], water_column[ii], temperature[ii], pressure[ii],
humidity[ii], wind_speed[ii], wind_dir[ii]))
# Print out the average values
print('%-20s %4s %2s %2s %2s %2s %4s %4s %5s %5s %4s %4s %4s' % \
('--------', '----', '--', '--', '--', '--', '----', '----', '-----',
'-----', '----', '----', '----'))
print('%-20s %4d %2d %2d %2d %2d ' % \
('Average', year.mean(), month.mean(), day.mean(), hour.mean(),
print('%4.2f %4.2f %5.1f %5.1f %4.1f %4.1f %4d' % \
(airmass.mean(), water_column.mean(), temperature.mean(),
pressure.mean(), humidity.mean(), wind_speed.mean(), wind_dir.mean()))
print('%-20s %4d %2d %2d %2d %2d ' % \
('Std. Dev.', year.std(), month.std(), day.std(), hour.std(),
print('%4.2f %4.2f %5.1f %5.1f %4.1f %4.1f %4d' % \
(airmass.std(), water_column.std(), temperature.std(),
pressure.std(), humidity.std(), wind_speed.std(), wind_dir.std()))