import numpy as np
import argparse
from gcwork import starset
import pdb
import sys
def main(argv=None):
if argv is None:
argv = sys.argv[1:]
def run(args=None):
align_rms main routine.
options = parse_options(args)
_run = open(options.out_root + '.run', 'w')
_run.write('RUN: python kai.reduce.align_rms() run with args:\n')
_run.write(' '.join(args) + '\n\n')
_run.write('root_name = ' + options.root_name + '\n')
_run.write('N_required = ' + str(options.N_required) + '\n')
_run.write('out_root = ' + options.out_root + '\n')
_run.write('calc_err_mean = ' + str(options.calc_err_mean) + '\n')
_run.write('calc_rel_err = ' + str(options.calc_rel_err) + '\n')
_run.write('idx_min = ' + str(options.idx_min) + '\n')
_run.write('idx_max = ' + str(options.idx_max) + '\n')
_run.write('idx_ref = ' + str(options.idx_ref) + '\n')
# Read in the align output. Determine the number of
# individual starlists are in the stack.
s = starset.StarSet(options.root_name)
N_lists = len(s.years)
if options.idx_min == None:
options.idx_min = N_lists
if options.idx_max == None:
options.idx_max = N_lists
# Trim down the starlist to just those that are
# in the desired number of epochs and are detected
# in the reference epoch.
s.stars = trim_stars(s, options)
# Fetch the data off the starset
name = s.getArray('name')
x = s.getArrayFromAllEpochs('xpix')
y = s.getArrayFromAllEpochs('ypix')
m = s.getArrayFromAllEpochs('mag')
f = 10**(m/-2.5)
flux_dn = s.getArrayFromAllEpochs('fwhm')
corr = s.getArrayFromAllEpochs('corr')
nimg = s.getArrayFromAllEpochs('nframes')
snr = s.getArrayFromAllEpochs('snr')
# Identify where we have measurements and where are non-detections.
good = ((x > -1000) & (y > -1000) & (m != 0))
# Calculate the number of epochs the stars are detected in.
cnt = good[options.idx_min : options.idx_max, :].sum(axis=0)
# Mask the bad data.
x_msk = == False, x, copy=True)
y_msk = == False, y, copy=True)
f_msk = == False, f, copy=True)
m_msk = == False, m, copy=True)
flux_dn = == False, flux_dn, copy=True)
corr_msk = == False, corr, copy=True)
nimg_msk = == False, nimg, copy=True)
snr_msk = == False, snr, copy=True)
# Calculate the average x, y, m, f
if options.idx_ref != None:
print(( 'Using epoch {0} as average pos/flux'.format(options.idx_ref) ))
x_avg = x[options.idx_ref, :]
y_avg = y[options.idx_ref, :]
m_avg = m[options.idx_ref, :]
f_avg = f[options.idx_ref, :]
year = s.years[options.idx_ref]
corr_avg = corr[options.idx_ref, :]
flux_dn_avg = flux_dn[options.idx_ref, :]
nimg_avg = nimg[options.idx_ref, :]
snr_orig = snr[options.idx_ref, :]
print( 'Calculate average pos/flux ' )
print(( 'from epochs {0} - {1}'.format(options.idx_min, options.idx_max) ))
x_avg = x_msk[options.idx_min : options.idx_max, :].mean(axis=0)
y_avg = y_msk[options.idx_min : options.idx_max, :].mean(axis=0)
f_avg = f_msk[options.idx_min : options.idx_max, :].mean(axis=0)
m_avg = -2.5 * np.log10(f_avg)
year = s.years[options.idx_min : options.idx_max].mean()
corr_avg = corr_msk[options.idx_min : options.idx_max, :].mean(axis=0)
flux_dn_avg = flux_dn[options.idx_min : options.idx_max, :].mean(axis=0)
nimg_avg = cnt
snr_orig = None
# Calculate the error on x, y, m, f
x_std = calc_error(x_msk, x_avg, cnt, options)
y_std = calc_error(y_msk, y_avg, cnt, options)
f_std = calc_error(f_msk, f_avg, cnt, options)
m_std = f_std / f_avg
# Estimate a new signal to noise ratio
new_snr = f_avg / f_std
if ((options.calc_rel_err == False) and
(isinstance(snr_orig, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)))):
new_snr = 1.0 / np.hypot(1.0/new_snr, 1.0/snr_orig)
# Fix up any infinities in the SNR. Set them to 0.
new_snr[np.isinf(new_snr)] = 0.0
## Check if new_snr has a mask before using it
new_snr[new_snr.mask] = 0.0
_out = open(options.out_root + '.lis', 'w')
hdr = '{name:13s} {mag:>6s} {year:>8s} '
hdr += '{x:>9s} {y:>9s} {xe:>9s} {ye:>9s} '
hdr += '{snr:>20s} {corr:>6s} {nimg:>8s} {flux:>20s}\n'
_out.write(hdr.format(name='# name', mag='m', year='t',
x='x', y='y', xe='xe', ye='ye',
snr='snr', corr='corr', nimg='N_frames', flux='flux'))
fmt = '{name:13s} {mag:6.3f} {year:8.3f} '
fmt += '{x:9.3f} {y:9.3f} {xe:9.3f} {ye:9.3f} '
fmt += '{snr:20.4f} {corr:6.2f} {nimg:8d} {flux:20.0f}\n'
for ss in range(len(x_avg)):
_out.write(fmt.format(name=name[ss], mag=m_avg[ss], year=float(year),
x=x_avg[ss], y=y_avg[ss], xe=x_std[ss], ye=y_std[ss],
snr=new_snr[ss], corr=corr_avg[ss], nimg=int(nimg_avg[ss]),
return s
def trim_stars(s, options):
# Get the relevant variables off the starset
x = s.getArrayFromAllEpochs('xpix')
y = s.getArrayFromAllEpochs('ypix')
m = s.getArrayFromAllEpochs('mag')
# Mask where we have null detections and
# ID good stars where we have detections.
good = ((x > -1000) & (y > -1000) & (m != 0))
# Figure out the number of epochs each star is detected in.
# Trim out the stars that don't have enough detections.
cnt = good[options.idx_min : options.idx_max, :].sum(axis=0)
# Figure out if a stars is not detected in the reference epoch
# and set it for trimming (cnt = 0).
if options.idx_ref != None:
cnt[good[options.idx_ref, :] == False] = 0
# Trim our arrays to only the "good" stars that meet our number
# of epochs criteria.
idx = np.where(cnt >= options.N_required)[0]
new_stars = [s.stars[ii] for ii in idx]
return new_stars
def calc_error(v_msk, v_avg, cnt, options):
v_tmp = (v_msk[options.idx_min : options.idx_max, :] - v_avg)**2
v_tmp = v_tmp.sum(axis=0)
Ndof = cnt
if options.idx_ref == None:
Ndof -= 1
v_tmp /= Ndof
v_std = np.sqrt(v_tmp)
if options.calc_err_mean:
v_std /= np.sqrt(Ndof)
idx = np.where(cnt <= 1)[0]
v_std[idx] = 0.0
return v_std
def parse_options(args):
purpose = 'Combine a stack of aligned starlists to produce a new "average"\n'
purpose += 'starlist with astrometric and photometric errors estimated from\n'
purpose += 'the RMS error (or error on the mean) of the stack.\n'
purpose += '\n'
purpose += ''
# Setup a Parser
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=purpose)
# root_name
help_str = 'The root of the align output files.'
parser.add_argument('root_name', type=str, help=help_str)
# N_required
help_str = 'The minimum number of starlists a star must be in to be included '
help_str += 'in the output list.'
parser.add_argument('N_required', type=int, help=help_str)
# out_root
help_str = 'Output root of files. Default is the input align '
help_str += 'root_name + "_rms".'
parser.add_argument('-o', '--outroot', dest='out_root', help=help_str)
# calc_err_mean
help_str = 'Include to calculate the error on the mean rather than the '
help_str += 'RMS error.'
parser.add_argument('--errOnMean', '-e', dest='calc_err_mean',
action='store_true', help=help_str)
# calc_rel_err
help_str = 'Include to calculate the relative pohtometric error '
help_str += '(no zero-point error).'
parser.add_argument('--relPhotErr', '-r', dest='calc_rel_err',
action='store_true', help=help_str)
# stack_min
help_str = 'The index of the starlist that starts the stack over which '
help_str += 'to calculate averages and errors (def=1). Note that the '
help_str += 'default use is that the first image (idx=0) contains the'
help_str += '"average" star positions/fluxes and that the first stack'
help_str += 'image is at --stackMin=1.'
parser.add_argument('--stackMin', dest='idx_min', help=help_str,
action='store', default=1, type=int)
# stack_max
help_str = 'The index of the starlist that ends the stack over which '
help_str += 'to calculate averages and errors (def=last). Note that the '
help_str += 'default use is that the first image (idx=0) contains the'
help_str += '"average" star positions/fluxes and that the last stack'
help_str += 'image is at --stackMax=max.'
parser.add_argument('--stackMax', dest='idx_max', help=help_str, type=int)
# reference_list
help_str = 'Specify the index number (0-based) of the starlist that should be '
help_str += 'adopted as the reference. If a reference list is specified, the average '
help_str += 'positions and fluxes will come from this list and only the astrometric '
help_str += 'and photometric errors will be calculated from the remaining stack '
help_str += 'of images. If None is specified, then the average positions and fluxes '
help_str += 'will come from stacking the remaining set of images.'
parser.add_argument('--refList', dest='idx_ref', help=help_str,
action='store', default=0)
options = parser.parse_args(args)
# Define the root file name for the output files.
if options.out_root == None:
options.out_root = options.root_name + '_rms'
# Fix the reference epoch.
if options.idx_ref == 'None':
options.idx_ref = None
return options
if __name__ == "__main__":