Source code for kai.reduce.calib

import os, sys, shutil
from kai.reduce import util, lin_correction
from import fits
from astropy import stats
from pyraf import iraf as ir
from kai import instruments
import numpy as np
from astropy import stats
import astropy
from datetime import datetime
from pkg_resources import parse_version
import warnings
import pdb

[docs] module_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
[docs] def makedark(files, output, raw_dir=None, instrument=instruments.default_inst): """ Make dark image for imaging data. Makes a calib/ directory and stores all output there. All output and temporary files will be created in a darks/ subdirectory. Parameters ---------- files : list of int Integer list of the files. Does not require padded zeros. output : str Output file name. Include the .fits extension. raw_dir : str, optional Directory where raw files are stored. By default, assumes that raw files are stored in '../raw' instrument : instruments object, optional Instrument of data. Default is `instruments.default_inst` """ redDir = os.getcwd() + '/' # Reduce directory. curDir = redDir + 'calib/' darkDir = util.trimdir(curDir + 'darks/') # Set location of raw data rawDir = util.trimdir(os.path.abspath(redDir + '../raw') + '/') # Check if user has specified a specific raw directory if raw_dir is not None: rawDir = util.trimdir(os.path.abspath(raw_dir) + '/') util.mkdir(curDir) util.mkdir(darkDir) _out = darkDir + output _outlis = darkDir + 'dark.lis' util.rmall([_out, _outlis]) darks_orig = instrument.make_filenames(files, rootDir=rawDir) darks_copied = instrument.make_filenames(files, rootDir=darkDir) for ii in range(len(darks_copied)): if os.path.exists(darks_copied[ii]): os.remove(darks_copied[ii]) shutil.copy(darks_orig[ii], darks_copied[ii]) # Write out the sources of the dark files data_sources_file = open(redDir + 'data_sources.txt', 'a') data_sources_file.write( '---\n# Dark Files for {0} \n'.format(output)) for cur_file in darks_orig: out_line = '{0} ({1})\n'.format(cur_file, data_sources_file.write(out_line) data_sources_file.close() # Create a combined dark f_on = open(_outlis, 'w') f_on.write('\n'.join(darks_copied) + '\n') f_on.close() ir.unlearn('imcombine') ir.imcombine.combine = 'median' ir.imcombine.reject = 'sigclip' ir.imcombine.nlow = 1 ir.imcombine.nhigh = 1 ir.imcombine('@' + _outlis, _out)
[docs] def makeflat( onFiles, offFiles, output, dark_frame=None, normalizeFirst=False, raw_dir=None, instrument=instruments.default_inst, ): """ Make flat field image for imaging data. Makes a calib/ directory and stores all output there. All output and temporary files will be created in a flats/ subdirectory. If only twilight flats were taken (as in 05jullgs), use these flats as the onFiles, and use 0,0 for offFiles. So the file should look something like this: onFiles = range(22, 26+1) and offFiles = range(0,0) The flat will then be made by doing a median combine using just the twilight flats. Parameters ---------- onFiles : list of int Integer list of lamps ON files. Does not require padded zeros. offFiles : list of int Integer list of lamps OFF files. Does not require padded zeros. output : str Output file name. Include the .fits extension. dark_frame : str, default=None File name for the dark frame in order to carry out dark correction. If not provided, dark frame is not subtracted and a warning is thrown. Assumes dark file is located under ./calib/darks/ normalizeFirst : bool, default=False If the individual flats should be normalized first, such as in the case of twilight flats. raw_dir : str, optional Directory where raw files are stored. By default, assumes that raw files are stored in '../raw' instrument : instruments object, optional Instrument of data. Default is `instruments.default_inst` """ redDir = os.getcwd() + '/' curDir = redDir + 'calib/' flatDir = util.trimdir(curDir + 'flats/') # Set location of raw data rawDir = util.trimdir(os.path.abspath(redDir + '../raw') + '/') # Check if user has specified a specific raw directory if raw_dir is not None: rawDir = util.trimdir(os.path.abspath(raw_dir) + '/') util.mkdir(curDir) util.mkdir(flatDir) _on = flatDir + 'lampsOn.fits' _off = flatDir + 'lampsOff.fits' _norm = flatDir + 'flatNotNorm.fits' _out = flatDir + output _onlis = flatDir + 'on.lis' _offlis = flatDir + 'off.lis' _onNormLis = flatDir + 'onNorm.lis' util.rmall([_on, _off, _norm, _out, _onlis, _offlis, _onNormLis]) lampson = instrument.make_filenames(onFiles, rootDir=rawDir) lampsoff = instrument.make_filenames(offFiles, rootDir=rawDir) lampson_copied = instrument.make_filenames(onFiles, rootDir=flatDir) lampsoff_copied = instrument.make_filenames(offFiles, rootDir=flatDir) lampsonNorm = instrument.make_filenames(onFiles, rootDir=flatDir + 'norm') util.rmall(lampsonNorm) # Copy files for ii in range(len(lampson_copied)): if os.path.exists(lampson_copied[ii]): os.remove(lampson_copied[ii]) shutil.copy(lampson[ii], lampson_copied[ii]) for ii in range(len(lampsoff_copied)): if os.path.exists(lampsoff_copied[ii]): os.remove(lampsoff_copied[ii]) shutil.copy(lampsoff[ii], lampsoff_copied[ii]) # Write out the sources of the flat files data_sources_file = open(redDir + 'data_sources.txt', 'a') data_sources_file.write( '---\n# Flat Files for {0}, Lamps On\n'.format(output)) for cur_file in lampson: out_line = '{0} ({1})\n'.format(cur_file, data_sources_file.write(out_line) data_sources_file.write( '---\n# Flat Files for {0}, Lamps Off\n'.format(output)) for cur_file in lampsoff: out_line = '{0} ({1})\n'.format(cur_file, data_sources_file.write(out_line) data_sources_file.close() # If dark frame is provided, carry out dark correction if dark_frame is not None: dark_file = redDir + '/calib/darks/' + dark_frame # Read in dark frame data dark_data = fits.getdata(dark_file, ignore_missing_end=True) # Go through each flat file for i in range(len(lampson_copied)): with[i], mode='readonly', ignore_missing_end=True, output_verify = 'ignore') as cur_flat: flat_data = cur_flat[0].data flat_header = cur_flat[0].header flat_data = flat_data - dark_data flat_hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU( data=flat_data, header=flat_header) flat_hdu.writeto( lampson_copied[i], output_verify='ignore', overwrite=True) for i in range(len(lampsoff_copied)): with[i], mode='readonly', ignore_missing_end=True, output_verify = 'ignore') as cur_flat: flat_data = cur_flat[0].data flat_header = cur_flat[0].header flat_data = flat_data - dark_data flat_hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU( data=flat_data, header=flat_header) flat_hdu.writeto( lampsoff_copied[i], output_verify='ignore', overwrite=True) else: warning_message = 'Dark frame not provided for makesky().' warning_message += '\nUsing flat frames without dark subtraction.' warnings.warn(warning_message) # Perform linearity correction [only NIRC2] if instrument is 'NIRC2': for i in range(len(lampson_copied)): lin_correction.lin_correction(lampson_copied[i], instrument=instrument) for i in range(len(lampsoff_copied)): lin_correction.lin_correction(lampsoff_copied[i], instrument=instrument) if (len(offFiles) != 0): f_on = open(_onlis, 'w') f_on.write('\n'.join(lampson_copied) + '\n') f_on.close() f_on = open(_offlis, 'w') f_on.write('\n'.join(lampsoff_copied) + '\n') f_on.close() f_onn = open(_onNormLis, 'w') f_onn.write('\n'.join(lampsonNorm) + '\n') f_onn.close() # Combine to make a lamps on and lamps off ir.unlearn('imcombine') ir.imcombine.combine = 'median' ir.imcombine.reject = 'sigclip' ir.imcombine.nlow = 1 ir.imcombine.nhigh = 1 ir.imcombine('@' + _offlis, _off) # Check if we should normalize individual flats first # such as in the case of twilight flats. if normalizeFirst: f_on = open(_offlis, 'w') f_on.write('\n'.join(lampsoff) + '\n') f_on.close() # Subtract "off" from individual frames ir.imarith('@'+_onlis, '-', _off, '@'+_onNormLis) # Scale them and combine ir.imcombine.scale = 'median' ir.imcombine('@' + _onNormLis, _norm) else: # Combine all "on" frames ir.imcombine('@' + _onlis, _on) # Now do lampsOn - lampsOff ir.imarith(_on, '-', _off, _norm) # Normalize the final flat ir.module.load('noao', doprint=0, hush=1) ir.module.load('imred', doprint=0, hush=1) ir.module.load('generic', doprint=0, hush=1) orig_img = fits.getdata(_norm) orig_size = (orig_img.shape)[0] if (orig_size >= 1024): flatRegion = '[100:900,513:950]' else: flatRegion = '' ir.normflat(_norm, _out, sample=flatRegion) else: f_on = open(_onlis, 'w') f_on.write('\n'.join(lampson_copied) + '\n') f_on.close() # Combine twilight flats ir.unlearn('imcombine') ir.imcombine.combine = 'median' ir.imcombine.reject = 'sigclip' ir.imcombine.nlow = 1 ir.imcombine.nhigh = 1 if normalizeFirst: # Scale them ir.imcombine.scale = 'median' ir.imcombine('@' + _onlis, _norm) # Normalize the flat ir.module.load('noao', doprint=0, hush=1) ir.module.load('imred', doprint=0, hush=1) ir.module.load('generic', doprint=0, hush=1) flatRegion = '[100:900,513:950]' ir.normflat(_norm, _out, sample=flatRegion)
[docs] def makemask(dark, flat, output, instrument=instruments.default_inst): """ Make bad pixel mask for imaging data. Makes a calib/ directory and stores all output there. All output and temporary files will be created in a masks/ subdirectory. Parameters ---------- dark : str The filename of the dark file (must be in the calib/darks/ directory). This is used to construct a hot pixel mask. Use a long (t>20sec) exposure dark. flat : str The filename of a flat file (must be in the calib/flats/ directory). This is used to construct a dead pixel mask. The flat should be normalized. output : str The output file name. This will be created in the masks/ subdirectory. instrument : instruments object, optional Instrument of data. Default is `instruments.default_inst` """ redDir = os.getcwd() + '/' calDir = redDir + 'calib/' maskDir = util.trimdir(calDir + 'masks/') flatDir = util.trimdir(calDir + 'flats/') darkDir = util.trimdir(calDir + 'darks/') util.mkdir(calDir) util.mkdir(maskDir) _out = maskDir + output _dark = darkDir + dark _flat = flatDir + flat _inst_mask = module_dir + '/masks/' + instrument.get_bad_pixel_mask_name() util.rmall([_out]) ########## # Make hot pixel mask ########## whatDir = redDir + dark print(whatDir) # Get the sigma-clipped mean and stddev on the dark img_dk = fits.getdata(_dark) if parse_version(astropy.__version__) < parse_version('3.0'): dark_stats = stats.sigma_clipped_stats(img_dk, sigma=3, iters=10) else: dark_stats = stats.sigma_clipped_stats(img_dk, sigma=3, maxiters=10) dark_mean = dark_stats[0] dark_stddev = dark_stats[2] # Clip out the very hot pixels. hi = dark_mean + (10.0 * dark_stddev) hot = img_dk > hi ########## # Make dead pixel mask ########## img_fl = fits.getdata(_flat) if parse_version(astropy.__version__) < parse_version('3.0'): flat_stats = stats.sigma_clipped_stats(img_dk, sigma=3, iters=10) else: flat_stats = stats.sigma_clipped_stats(img_fl, sigma=3, maxiters=10) flat_mean = flat_stats[0] flat_stddev = flat_stats[2] # Clip out the dead pixels lo = 0.5 hi = flat_mean + (15.0 * flat_stddev) dead = np.logical_or(img_fl > hi, img_fl < lo) # We also need the original instrument mask (with cracks and such) inst_mask = fits.getdata(_inst_mask) # Combine into a final supermask. Use the flat file just as a template # to get the header from. ofile = if ((hot.shape)[0] == (inst_mask.shape)[0]): mask = hot + dead + inst_mask else: mask = hot + dead mask = (mask != 0) unmask = (mask == 0) ofile[0].data[unmask] = 0 ofile[0].data[mask] = 1 ofile[0].writeto(_out, output_verify='silentfix') return
[docs] def make_instrument_mask(dark, flat, outDir, instrument=instruments.default_inst): """Make the static bad pixel mask for the instrument. This only needs to be run once. This creates a file called nirc2mask.fits or osiris_img_mask.fits which is subsequently used throughout the pipeline. The dark should be a long integration dark. Parameters ---------- dark : str The full absolute path to a medianed dark file. This is used to construct a hot pixel mask (4 sigma detection thresh). flat : str The full absolute path to a medianed flat file. This is used to construct a dead pixel mask. outDir : str full path to output directory with '/' at the end. instrument : instruments object, optional Instrument of data. Default is `instruments.default_inst` """ _out = outDir + instrument.get_bad_pixel_mask_name() _dark = dark _flat = flat util.rmall([_out]) ########## # Make hot pixel mask ########## # Get the sigma-clipped mean and stddev on the dark img_dk = fits.getdata(_dark) if parse_version(astropy.__version__) < parse_version('3.0'): dark_stats = stats.sigma_clipped_stats(img_dk, sigma=3, iters=10) else: dark_stats = stats.sigma_clipped_stats(img_dk, sigma=3, maxiters=10) dark_mean = dark_stats[0] dark_stddev = dark_stats[2] # Clip out the very hot pixels. hi = dark_mean + (15.0 * dark_stddev) hot = img_dk > hi print(('Found %d hot pixels' % (hot.sum()))) ########## # Make dead pixel mask ########## img_fl = fits.getdata(_flat) if parse_version(astropy.__version__) < parse_version('3.0'): flat_stats = stats.sigma_clipped_stats(img_dk, sigma=3, iters=10) else: flat_stats = stats.sigma_clipped_stats(img_fl, sigma=3, maxiters=10) flat_mean = flat_stats[0] flat_stddev = flat_stats[2] # Clip out the dead pixels lo = 0.5 hi = flat_mean + (15.0 * flat_stddev) dead = np.logical_or(img_fl > hi, img_fl < lo) print(('Found %d dead pixels' % (dead.sum()))) # Combine into a final supermask new_file = mask = hot + dead mask = (mask != 0) unmask = (mask == 0) new_file[0].data[unmask] = 0 new_file[0].data[mask] = 1 new_file[0].writeto(_out, output_verify='silentfix')
[docs] def analyzeDarkCalib(firstFrame, skipcombo=False): """ Reduce data from the dark_calib script that should be run once a summer in order to test the dark current and readnoise. This should be run in the reduce/calib/ directory for a particular run. """ redDir = os.getcwd() + '/' # Reduce directory. curDir = redDir + 'calib/' darkDir = util.trimdir(curDir + 'darks/') rawDir = util.trimdir(os.path.abspath(redDir + '../raw') + '/') util.mkdir(curDir) util.mkdir(darkDir) def printStats(frame, tint, sampmode, reads): files = list(range(frame, frame+3)) fileName = 'dark_%ds_1ca_%d_%dsm.fits' % (tint, sampmode, reads) if (skipcombo == False): makedark(files, fileName) # Get the sigma-clipped mean and stddev on the dark img_dk = fits.getdata(darkDir + fileName) if parse_version(astropy.__version__) < parse_version('3.0'): dark_stats = stats.sigma_clipped_stats(img_dk, sigma=3, iters=10) else: dark_stats = stats.sigma_clipped_stats(img_dk, sigma=3, maxiters=10) darkMean = dark_stats[0] darkStdv = dark_stats[2] return darkMean, darkStdv frame = firstFrame lenDarks = 11 tints = np.zeros(lenDarks) + 12 tints[-3] = 10 tints[-2] = 50 tints[-1] = 100 reads = np.zeros(lenDarks) reads[0] = 1 reads[1] = 2 reads[2] = 4 reads[3] = 8 reads[4] = 16 reads[5] = 32 reads[6] = 64 reads[7] = 92 reads[-3:] = 16 samps = np.zeros(lenDarks) + 3 samps[0] = 2 dMeans = np.zeros(lenDarks, dtype=float) dStdvs = np.zeros(lenDarks, dtype=float) for ii in range(lenDarks): (dMeans[ii], dStdvs[ii]) = printStats(frame, tints[ii],samps[ii], reads[ii]) dStdvs[ii] *= np.sqrt(3) frame += 3 # Calculate the readnoise rdnoise = dStdvs * 4.0 * np.sqrt(reads) / (np.sqrt(2.0)) print(('READNOISE per read: ', rdnoise)) ########## # Print Stuff Out ########## outFile = darkDir + 'analyzeDarkCalib.out' util.rmall([outFile]) _out = open(outFile,'w') hdr = '%8s %5s &9s %9s %4s %6s' print('Sampmode Reads Noise(DN) Noise(e-) Tint Coadds') print('-------- ----- --------- --------- ---- ------') _out.write('Sampmode Reads Noise(DN) Noise(e-) Tint Coadds\n') _out.write('-------- ----- --------- --------- ---- ------\n') for ii in range(lenDarks): print(('%8d %5d %9.1f %9.1f %4d 1' % \ (samps[ii], reads[ii], dStdvs[ii], dStdvs[ii] * 4.0, tints[ii]))) for ii in range(lenDarks): _out.write('%8d %5d %9.1f %9.1f %4d 1\n' % \ (samps[ii], reads[ii], dStdvs[ii], dStdvs[ii] * 4.0, tints[ii])) _out.close() return