# from pyraf import iraf
import glob
import numpy as np
import pylab as py
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
from astropy.io import fits as pyfits
import datetime
import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error
import urllib
p2 = True # Python 2 is running, so the urllib command is different
import os, sys
from kai.reduce import kai_util
from kai.reduce import util
from kai.reduce import slalib
from kai import instruments
from astropy.table import Table
from astropy.time import Time
module_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
def get_atm_conditions(year):
Retrieve atmospheric conditions from CFHT archive website,
then calls dar.splitAtmosphereCFHT() to separate the data
by months.
yearStr = str(year)
if p2: # Python 2 command, necessary for IRAF
_atm = urllib.urlopen("http://mkwc.ifa.hawaii.edu/archive/wx/cfht/cfht-wx.%s.dat" % yearStr)
_atm = urllib.request.urlopen("http://mkwc.ifa.hawaii.edu/archive/wx/cfht/cfht-wx.%s.dat" % yearStr)
atm = _atm.read()
root = module_dir + '/weather/'
if type(atm) == bytes:
# this is for python 3
atmfile = open(root + 'cfht-wx.' + yearStr + '.dat','wb')
atmfile = open(root + 'cfht-wx.' + yearStr + '.dat','w')
def keckDARcoeffs(lamda, year, month, day, hour, minute):
Calculate the differential atmospheric refraction
for two objects observed at Keck.
lamda -- Effective wavelength (microns) assumed to be the same for both
year, month, day, hour, minute of observation (HST)
# iraf.noao()
# Set up Keck observatory info
# foo = iraf.noao.observatory(command="set", obsid="keck", Stdout=1)
# obs = iraf.noao.observatory
# Setup all the parameters for the atmospheric refraction
# calculations. Typical values obtained from the Mauna Kea
# weather pages and from the web.
# Temperature Lapse Rate (Kelvin/meter)
tlr = 0.0065
# Precision required to terminate the iteration (radian)
eps = 1.0e-9
# Height above sea level (meters)
# hm = obs.altitude
hm = 4160.0 #Keck height. Hard coded to remove iraf dependency
# Latitude of the observer (radian)
# phi = math.radians(obs.latitude)
phi = math.radians(19.82833333333333) #Keck latitude. Hard coded to remove iraf dependency
# Pull from atmosphere logs.
logDir = module_dir + '/weather/'
logFile = logDir +'cfht-wx.'+ str(year) +'.'+ str(month).zfill(2) +'.dat'
_atm = Table.read(logFile, format='ascii', header_start=None)
atmYear = _atm['col1']
atmMonth = _atm['col2']
atmDay = _atm['col3']
atmHour = _atm['col4']
atmMin = _atm['col5'] # HST times
atmTemp = _atm['col8'] # Celsius
atmHumidity = _atm['col9'] # percent
atmPressure = _atm['col10'] # mb pressure
# Find the exact time match for year, month, day, hour
idx = (np.where((atmYear == year) & (atmMonth == month) &
(atmDay == day) & (atmHour == hour)))[0]
if (len(idx) == 0):
print(( 'Could not find DAR data for %4d-%2d-%2d %2d:%2d in %s' % \
(year, month, day, hour, minute, logFile)))
atmMin = atmMin[idx]
atmTemp = atmTemp[idx]
atmHumidity = atmHumidity[idx]
atmPressure = atmPressure[idx]
# Find the closest minute
minDiff = abs(atmMin - minute)
sdx = minDiff.argsort()
# Select out the closest in time.
# Ambient Temperature (Kelvin)
# Should be around 274.0 Kelvin
tdk = atmTemp[sdx[0]] + 272.15
# Pressure at the observer (millibar)
# Should be around 760.0 millibars
pmb = atmPressure[sdx[0]]
# Relative humidity (%)
# Should be around 0.1 %
rh = atmHumidity[sdx[0]] / 100.0 #relative humidity should be between 0 and 1
# print(hm, tdk, pmb, rh, lamda, phi, tlr, eps)
return slalib.refco(hm, tdk, pmb, rh, lamda, phi, tlr, eps)
def download_koa_dat_files(date_str, telescope_str, param_name, download_loc='./'):
Download the KOA atmospheric condition file for given date and
specified parameter, and save at the download location
date_str : str
Date string for the night (e.g.: '20220525').
telescope_str : str
String to specify which Keck telescope's weather data to download.
Can be 'k1' or 'k2'.
param_name : str
Name of the parameter to download the conditions table
(e.g.: 'OutsideTemp')
download_loc : str, default = './'
Directory to store the downloaded atmospheric condition table file.
url = 'https://koa.ipac.caltech.edu/data33/WEATHER/{0}/nightly2/{1}_{0}_{2}.dat'.format(
date_str, telescope_str, param_name)
if p2: # Python 2 command, necessary for IRAF
_atm = urllib.urlopen(url)
_atm = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
atm = _atm.read()
out_file_name = '{0}_{1}_{2}.dat'.format(telescope_str, date_str, param_name)
if type(atm) == bytes:
# this is for python 3
atmfile = open(download_loc + '/' + out_file_name, 'wb')
atmfile = open(download_loc + '/' + out_file_name,'w')
def keckDARcoeffs_koa(lamda, year, month, day, hour, minute, second,
Calculate the differential atmospheric refraction
for two objects observed at Keck, using atmospheric conditions obtained
via the KOA.
lamda : float
Effective wavelength (microns), assumed to be the same for both.
year : int
UTC year
month : int
UTC month
day : int
UTC date
hour : int
UTC hour
minute : int
UTC minute
second : int, float
UTC second
refA : float
refB : float
# Set up datetime object for image time
utc = datetime.datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
# Setup all the parameters for the atmospheric refraction
# calculations. Typical values obtained from the Mauna Kea
# weather pages and from the web.
# Temperature Lapse Rate (Kelvin/meter)
tlr = 0.0065
# Precision required to terminate the iteration (radian)
eps = 1.0e-9
# Following hard coded to remove iraf dependency
# Height above sea level (meters)
hm = 4160.0 #Keck height
# Latitude of the observer (radian)
phi = math.radians(19.82833333333333) #Keck latitude
# Write out atm files
if not os.path.isdir('weather'):
# Generate telescope and date strings for the atm files
telescope_strs = {
'NIRC2': 'k2',
'OSIRIS': 'k1',
telescope_str = telescope_strs[instrument.name]
date_str = '{0}{1}{2}'.format(year, str(month).zfill(2), str(day).zfill(2))
dat_file_root = './weather/{0}_{1}_'.format(telescope_str, date_str)
# Check if necessary logs are pulled for the observation date
if not os.path.isfile(dat_file_root + 'OutsideTemp.dat'):
date_str, telescope_str, 'OutsideTemp', './weather')
if not os.path.isfile(dat_file_root + 'OutsideHumidity.dat'):
date_str, telescope_str, 'OutsideHumidity', './weather')
if not os.path.isfile(dat_file_root + 'Pressure.dat'):
date_str, telescope_str, 'Pressure', './weather')
# Read in tables and find closest rows to image time
# Temperature
temp_table = Table.read(dat_file_root + 'OutsideTemp.dat',
format='ascii.basic', data_start=1, delimiter='\t',
guess=False, fast_reader=False,
names=['row', 'temp', 'timeinsecs',
temp_datetimes = Time(temp_table['datetime_utc'], format='iso').datetime
temp_closest_index = np.argmin(np.abs(temp_datetimes - utc))
atm_temp = (temp_table[temp_closest_index])['temp'] + 272.15 # Kelvin
# Humidity
hum_table = Table.read(dat_file_root + 'OutsideHumidity.dat',
format='ascii.basic', data_start=1, delimiter='\t',
guess=False, fast_reader=False,
names=['row', 'humidity', 'timeinsecs',
hum_datetimes = Time(hum_table['datetime_utc'], format='iso').datetime
hum_closest_index = np.argmin(np.abs(hum_datetimes - utc))
atm_hum = (hum_table[hum_closest_index])['humidity'] / 100. # Percent
# Pressure
pres_table = Table.read(dat_file_root + 'Pressure.dat',
format='ascii.basic', data_start=1, delimiter='\t',
guess=False, fast_reader=False,
names=['row', 'pressure', 'timeinsecs',
pres_datetimes = Time(pres_table['datetime_utc'], format='iso').datetime
pres_closest_index = np.argmin(np.abs(pres_datetimes - utc))
atm_pres = (pres_table[pres_closest_index])['pressure'] # millibar
# Calculate refraction coefficients
print(hm, atm_temp, atm_pres, atm_hum, lamda, phi, tlr, eps)
return slalib.refco(hm, atm_temp, atm_pres, atm_hum, lamda, phi, tlr, eps)
def kaidar(fitsFile, instrument=instruments.default_inst,
Use the FITS header to extract date, time, wavelength,
elevation, and image orientation information. This is everything
that is necessary to calculate the differential atmospheric
refraction. The differential atmospheric refraction
is applicable only along the zenith direction of an image.
This code calculates the predicted DAR using archived CFHT
atmospheric data and the elevation and wavelength of the observations.
Then the DAR correction is transformed into image coefficients that
can be applied in image coordinates.
# Get header info
img, hdr = pyfits.getdata(fitsFile, header=True)
effWave = instrument.get_central_wavelength(hdr)
elevation = hdr[instrument.hdr_keys['elevation']]
# airmass = hdr['AIRMASS']
# parang = hdr['PARANG']
date = hdr['DATE-OBS'].split('-')
year = int(date[0])
month = int(date[1])
day = int(date[2])
utc = hdr['UTC'].split(':')
hour = int(utc[0])
minute = int(utc[1])
second = int(math.floor(float(utc[2])))
utc = datetime.datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
utc2hst = datetime.timedelta(hours=-10)
hst = utc + utc2hst
if use_koa_weather:
(refA, refB) = keckDARcoeffs_koa(effWave, utc.year, utc.month, utc.day,
utc.hour, utc.minute, utc.second)
(refA, refB) = keckDARcoeffs(effWave, hst.year, hst.month, hst.day,
hst.hour, hst.minute)
tanz = math.tan(math.radians(90.0 - elevation))
tmp = 1.0 + tanz**2
darCoeffL = tmp * (refA + 3.0 * refB * tanz**2) #unitless
darCoeffQ = -tmp * (refA*tanz +
3.0 * refB * (tanz + 2.0*tanz**3)) #units: radians^-1
# Convert DAR coefficients for use with arcseconds
# scale = instrument.get_plate_scale(hdr)
# darCoeffQ *= 1.0 * scale / 206265.0
darCoeffL *= 1.0
darCoeffQ *= 1.0 / 206265.0 #units now arcsec^-1
# # Lets determine the zenith and horizon unit vectors for
# # this image.
# pos_ang = instrument.get_position_angle(hdr)
# pa = math.radians(parang + pos_ang)
# zenithX = -math.sin(pa)
# zenithY = math.cos(pa)
# # Compute the predicted differential atmospheric refraction
# # over a 10'' seperation along the zenith direction.
# # Remember coeffecicents are only for deltaZ in pixels
# deltaZ = img.shape[0] * scale
# deltaR = darCoeffL * (deltaZ/scale) + darCoeffQ * (deltaZ/scale)**2
# deltaR *= scale # now in arcseconds
# magnification = (deltaZ + deltaR) / deltaZ
# print(( 'DAR FITS file = %s' % (fitsFile)))
# print(('DAR over 10": Linear dR = %f" Quad dR = %f"' % \
# (darCoeffL * deltaZ, darCoeffQ * deltaZ**2)))
# print(('DAR Magnification = %f' % (magnification)))
# print(('DAR Vertical Angle = %6.1f' % (math.degrees(pa))))
return (darCoeffL, darCoeffQ)
def darPlusDistortion(inputFits, outputRoot, xgeoim=None, ygeoim=None,
Create lookup tables (stored as FITS files) that can be used
to correct DAR. Optionally, the shifts due to DAR can be added
to existing NIRC2 distortion lookup tables if the xgeoim/ygeoim
input parameters are set.
inputFits - a NIRC2 image for which to determine the DAR correction
outputRoot - the root name for the output. This will be used as the
root name of two new images with names, <outputRoot>_x.fits and
Optional Inputs:
xgeoim/ygeoim - FITS images used in Drizzle distortion correction
(lookup tables) will be modified to incorporate the DAR correction.
The order of the correction is 1. distortion, 2. DAR.
# Get the size of the image and the half-points
hdr = pyfits.getheader(inputFits)
imgsizeX = int(hdr['NAXIS1'])
imgsizeY = int(hdr['NAXIS2'])
halfX = int(round(imgsizeX / 2.0))
halfY = int(round(imgsizeY / 2.0))
# First get the coefficients
(darCoeffL, darCoeffQ) = kaidar(inputFits, instrument=instrument,
# Convert DAR coefficients for use with units of NIRC2 pixels
scale = instrument.get_plate_scale(hdr)
darCoeffL *= 1.0
darCoeffQ *= 1.0 * scale #/ 206265.0
pa = math.radians(instrument.get_parallactic_angle(hdr) + instrument.get_position_angle(hdr))
#(a, b) = kaidarPoly(inputFits)
# Create two 1024 arrays (or read in existing ones) for the
# X and Y lookup tables
if ((xgeoim == None) or (xgeoim == '')):
x = np.zeros((imgsizeY, imgsizeX), dtype=float)
x = pyfits.getdata(xgeoim)
if ((ygeoim == None) or (ygeoim == '')):
y = np.zeros((imgsizeY, imgsizeX), dtype=float)
y = pyfits.getdata(ygeoim)
# Get proper header info.
fits = pyfits.open(inputFits)
axisX = np.arange(imgsizeX, dtype=float) - halfX
axisY = np.arange(imgsizeY, dtype=float) - halfY
xcoo2d, ycoo2d = np.meshgrid(axisX, axisY)
xnew1 = xcoo2d + x
ynew1 = ycoo2d + y
# Rotate coordinates clockwise by PA so that zenith is along +ynew2
# PA = parallactic angle (angle from +y to zenith going CCW)
sina = math.sin(pa)
cosa = math.cos(pa)
xnew2 = xnew1 * cosa + ynew1 * sina
ynew2 = -xnew1 * sina + ynew1 * cosa
# Apply DAR correction along the y axis
xnew3 = xnew2
ynew3 = ynew2*(1 + darCoeffL) + ynew2*np.abs(ynew2)*darCoeffQ
# Rotate coordinates counter-clockwise by PA back to original
xnew4 = xnew3 * cosa - ynew3 * sina
ynew4 = xnew3 * sina + ynew3 * cosa
#xnew2 = a[0] + a[1]*xnew1 + a[2]*ynew1 + \
# a[3]*xnew1**2 + a[4]*xnew1*ynew1 + a[5]*ynew1**2
#ynew2 = b[0] + b[1]*xnew1 + b[2]*ynew1 + \
# b[3]*xnew1**2 + b[4]*xnew1*ynew1 + b[5]*ynew1**2
x = xnew4 - xcoo2d
y = ynew4 - ycoo2d
xout = outputRoot + '_x.fits'
yout = outputRoot + '_y.fits'
util.rmall([xout, yout])
fits[0].data = x
fits[0].writeto(xout, output_verify='silentfix')
fits[0].data = y
fits[0].writeto(yout, output_verify='silentfix')
return (xout, yout)
def applyDAR(inputFits, spaceStarlist, plot=False, instrument=instruments.default_inst, plotdir = './'):
inputFits: (str) name of fits file associated with this starlist
spaceStarlist: (astropy table) must include columns 'x0' and 'y0'.
Input a starlist in x=RA (+x = west) and y=Dec (arcseconds) taken from
space and introduce differential atmospheric refraction (DAR). The amount
of DAR that is applied depends on the header information in the input fits
file. The resulting output starlist should contain what was observed
after the starlight passed through the atmosphere, but before the
starlight passed through the telescope. Only achromatic DAR is
applied in this code.
returns spaceStarlist with updated 'x0' and 'y0'
# Get header info
#hdr = pyfits.getheader(fits)
#effWave = hdr['EFFWAVE']
#elevation = hdr['EL']
#lamda = hdr['CENWAVE']
#airmass = hdr['AIRMASS']
#parang = hdr['PARANG']
#date = hdr['DATE-OBS'].split('-')
#year = int(date[0])
#month = int(date[1])
#day = int(date[2])
#utc = hdr['UTC'].split(':')
#hour = int(utc[0])
#minute = int(utc[1])
#second = int(math.floor(float(utc[2])))
#utc = datetime.datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
#utc2hst = datetime.timedelta(hours=-10)
#hst = utc + utc2hst
#(refA, refB) = keckDARcoeffs(effWave, hst.year, hst.month, hst.day,
# hst.hour, hst.minute)
#tanz = math.tan(math.radians(90.0 - elevation))
#tmp = 1.0 + tanz**2
#darCoeffL = tmp * (refA + 3.0 * refB * tanz**2)
#darCoeffQ = -tmp * (refA*tanz +
# 3.0 * refB * (tanz + 2.0*tanz**3))
# Convert DAR coefficients for use with arcseconds
#darCoeffL *= 1.0
#darCoeffQ *= 1.0 / 206265.0
# Lets determine the zenith and horizon unit vectors for
# this image. The angle we need is simply the parallactic
# (or vertical) angle since ACS images are North Up already.
#pa = math.radians(parang)
#MS: presumably the above code is all replacable with this call (which uses the intrument object
(darCoeffL, darCoeffQ) = kaidar(inputFits, instrument=instrument)
hdr = pyfits.getheader(inputFits)
pa = math.radians(instrument.get_parallactic_angle(hdr))
# Read in the starlist
# _list = Table.read(spaceStarlist, format='ascii')
# cols = list(_list.columns.keys())
# names = [_list[ss][0].strip() for ss in range(len(_list))]
# mag = _list[cols[1]]
# date = _list[cols[2]]
# x = _list[cols[3]] # RA in arcsec
# y = _list[cols[4]]
# xe = _list[cols[5]]
# ye = _list[cols[6]]
x = spaceStarlist['x0'] #already in arcseconds, x increasing to west.
y = spaceStarlist['y0']
# Magnify everything in the y (zenith) direction. Do it relative to
# the first star. Even though dR depends on dzObs (ground observed dz),
# it is a small mistake and results in less than a 10 micro-arcsec
# change in dR.
dx = x - x[0]
dy = y - y[0]
# Rotate coordinates CW so that the zenith angle is at +ynew
sina = math.sin(pa)
cosa = math.cos(pa)
xnew1 = dx * cosa + dy * sina
ynew1 = -dx * sina + dy * cosa
# Apply DAR
xnew2 = xnew1
ynew2 = ynew1 * (1.0 - darCoeffL) - ynew1 * np.abs(ynew1) * darCoeffQ
# Rotate coordinates CCW back to original angle
xnew3 = xnew2 * cosa - ynew2 * sina
ynew3 = xnew2 * sina + ynew2 * cosa
xnew = xnew3 + x[0]
ynew = ynew3 + y[0]
# Write out the starlist
# Save the current directory
# newFits = fits.replace('.fits', '').split('/')[-1]
# newList = newFits + '_acs.lis'
# print(newList)
# _new = open(newList, 'w')
# for i in range(len(names)):
# _new.write('%10s %7.3f %7.2f %10.4f %10.4f 0 0 10 1 1 8\n' % \
# (names[i], mag[i], date[i], xnew[i], ynew[i]))
# _new.close()
# if (plot==True):
# py.clf()
# py.quiver(x, y, xnew - x, ynew - y, scale=0.02)
# py.quiver([0], [0], [0.001], [0], color='r', scale=0.02)
# py.axis([-5, 5, -5, 5])
# py.show()
if (plot==True):
# plt.close('all')
# plt.plot(figsize=(4,4))
q = plt.quiver(x, y, xnew - x, ynew - y, scale=0.02)
# plt.xlabel('RA (arcsec)')
# plt.ylabel('DEC (arcsec)')
plt.xlabel(r'$\Delta$ RA * cos(Dec) (arcsec)')
plt.ylabel(r'$\Delta$ Dec (arcsec)')
plt.figtext(0.15,0.85,'q =' + str(round(math.degrees(pa))))
quiv_label = '1 mas'
quiv_label_val = 0.001
plt.quiverkey(q, 0.78, 0.85, quiv_label_val, quiv_label, coordinates='figure', labelpos='E', color='green')
plt.savefig(plotdir+ inputFits[-26:-5] + '.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
# plt.show()
spaceStarlist['x0'] = xnew
spaceStarlist['y0'] = ynew
return spaceStarlist
def removeDAR(inputFits, groundStarlist, plot=False, instrument=instruments.default_inst, plotdir = './'):
inputFits: (str) name of fits file associated with this starlist
groundStarlist: (astropy table) must include columns 'x' and 'y'.
The inverse of applyDAR(). Takes a starlist in x and y pixels taken from
the ground and removes differential atmospheric refraction (DAR). The amount
of DAR that is applied depends on the header information in the input fits
file. The resulting output starlist should contain what would be observed above the atmosphere.
Distortion should be applied before this function. Only achromatic DAR is
applied in this code.
returns groundStarlist with updated 'x0' and 'y0'
(darCoeffL, darCoeffQ) = kaidar(inputFits, instrument=instrument)
hdr = pyfits.getheader(inputFits)
imgsizeX = int(hdr['NAXIS1'])
imgsizeY = int(hdr['NAXIS2'])
halfX = int(round(imgsizeX / 2.0))
halfY = int(round(imgsizeY / 2.0))
scale = instrument.get_plate_scale(hdr)
darCoeffL *= 1.0
darCoeffQ *= 1.0 * scale #/ 206265.0
pa = math.radians(instrument.get_parallactic_angle(hdr) + instrument.get_position_angle(hdr))
x = groundStarlist['x'] # in pixels, x increasing to west?
y = groundStarlist['y']
xnew1 = x - halfX
ynew1 = y - halfY
# Rotate coordinates clockwise by PA so that zenith is along +ynew2
# PA = parallactic angle (angle from +y to zenith going CCW)
sina = math.sin(pa)
cosa = math.cos(pa)
xnew2 = xnew1 * cosa + ynew1 * sina
ynew2 = -xnew1 * sina + ynew1 * cosa
# Apply DAR correction along the y axis
xnew3 = xnew2
ynew3 = ynew2*(1 + darCoeffL) + ynew2*np.abs(ynew2)*darCoeffQ
# Rotate coordinates counter-clockwise by PA back to original
xnew4 = xnew3 * cosa - ynew3 * sina
ynew4 = xnew3 * sina + ynew3 * cosa
xnew = xnew4 + halfX
ynew = ynew4 + halfY
if (plot==True):
# plt.close('all')
q = plt.quiver(x, y, xnew - x, ynew - y, scale=2.0)
plt.xlabel('x (pixels)')
plt.ylabel('y (pixels)')
# plt.xlabel(r'$\Delta$ RA * cos(DEC) (arcsec)')
# plt.ylabel(r'$\Delta$ DEC (arcsec)')
plt.figtext(0.15,0.85,'q =' + str(round(math.degrees(pa))))
quiv_label = '0.1 pix'
quiv_label_val = 0.1
plt.quiverkey(q, 0.80, 0.85, quiv_label_val, quiv_label, coordinates='figure', labelpos='E', color='green')
plt.savefig(plotdir+ inputFits[-26:-5] + '.jpg', bbox_inches='tight')
# plt.show()
groundStarlist['x'] = xnew
groundStarlist['y'] = ynew
return groundStarlist
def splitAtmosphereCFHT(year):
Take an original archive file containing atmospheric parameters and
split it up into seperate files for individual months. This makes
later calls to calculate DAR parameters MUCH faster.
yearStr = str(year)
logDir = module_dir + '/weather/'
logFile = logDir + '/cfht-wx.' + yearStr + '.dat'
_infile = open(logFile, 'r')
outfiles = []
for ii in range(1, 12+1):
monthStr = str(ii).zfill(2)
_month = open(logDir + '/cfht-wx.' +yearStr+ '.' +monthStr+ '.dat', 'w')
outfiles.append( _month )
for line in _infile:
fields = line.split()
month = int(fields[1])
# Check for wrong month number
if not (month > 0 and month <= 12):
_outfile = outfiles[month-1]
for _month in outfiles:
def test_darPlusDistortion():
data_dir = module_dir + '/distortion/'
file_geox_darunfix = data_dir + 'nirc2dist_xgeoim.fits'
file_geoy_darunfix = data_dir + 'nirc2dist_ygeoim.fits'
data_dir = '/u/ghezgroup/data/m92_test/08jul_new_on/'
file_geox_darfix = data_dir + 'reduce/kp/gc_f1/ce0249geo_x.fits'
file_geoy_darfix = data_dir + 'reduce/kp/gc_f1/ce0249geo_y.fits'
xon = pyfits.getdata(file_geox_darfix)
yon = pyfits.getdata(file_geoy_darfix)
xoff = pyfits.getdata(file_geox_darunfix)
yoff = pyfits.getdata(file_geoy_darunfix)
# Make arrays with the coordinates for each
imgsize = 1024
axisX = np.arange(imgsize, dtype=float)
axisY = np.arange(imgsize, dtype=float)
xcoo2d, ycoo2d = np.meshgrid(axisX, axisY)
# Lets trim so that we only keep every 20th pixel
idx = np.arange(25, imgsize, 50)
xon = xon.take(idx, axis=0).take(idx, axis=1)
yon = yon.take(idx, axis=0).take(idx, axis=1)
xoff = xoff.take(idx, axis=0).take(idx, axis=1)
yoff = yoff.take(idx, axis=0).take(idx, axis=1)
xcoo2d = xcoo2d.take(idx, axis=0).take(idx, axis=1)
ycoo2d = ycoo2d.take(idx, axis=0).take(idx, axis=1)
# Calculate differences
xdiff = xon - xoff
ydiff = yon - yoff
# Make vector plots
qvr = py.quiver2([xcoo2d], [ycoo2d], [xdiff], [ydiff],
units='width', scale=5,
width=0.005, headwidth=3, headlength=3,
py.quiverkey(qvr, 100, 1120, 1.0, '1 pixel', coordinates='data', color='r')
py.xlabel('NIRC2 X (pixel)')
py.ylabel('NIRC2 Y (pixel)')
py.title('Arrows point to DAR Fix')