#!/usr/bin/env python
# Make an electronic log for NIRC2 data
from astropy.io import fits
import sys
import os
import glob
from astropy.table import Table
import numpy as np
import math
from kai import instruments
from kai.reduce import util
def kailog(directory):
makelog(directory, outfile='kai.log')
def makelog(directory, outfile='image_log.txt',
"""Make an electronic log for all the FITS files in the
specified directory.
outfile : str
Output text file (def=image_log.txt)
if not os.access(directory, os.F_OK):
print(( 'Cannot access directory ' + directory ))
# Remove old *flip files and the old log.
old = glob.glob(directory + '/*flip.fits')
files = glob.glob(directory + '/*.fits')
f = open(directory + '/' + outfile, 'w')
# Short-hand
ihk = instrument.hdr_keys
for file in files:
hdr = fits.getheader(file,ignore_missing_end=True)
except OSError as e:
f.write('{0}: {1}'.format(file, e))
# End of this line
# First column is frame number
frame = (hdr[ihk['filename']].strip())[:-5]
f.write('%16s ' % frame)
# Second column is object name
f.write('%-16s ' % hdr[ihk['object_name']].replace(' ', ''))
# Next is integration time, coadds, sampmode, multisam
f.write('%8.3f %3d ' % (hdr[ihk['itime']], hdr[ihk['coadds']]))
f.write('%1d x %2d ' % (hdr[ihk['sampmode']], hdr[ihk['nfowler']]))
# Filter
filt = instrument.get_filter_name(hdr)
f.write('%-10s ' % filt)
# Camera name
f.write('%-6s ' % hdr[ihk['camera']])
# Shutter state
f.write('%-6s ' % hdr[ihk['shutter']])
# TRICK dichroic (only for OSIRIS)
if isinstance(instrument, instruments.OSIRIS):
f.write('%-6s ' % hdr['OBTDNAME'])
# End of this line
if __name__ == '__main__':
if _nargs != 2:
print( 'Usage: kailog directory' )
def getAotsxy(hdr):
# Note: 04jullgs does not have LSPROP or AOTSX keywords
if (hdr.get('OUTDIR').strip() != '/sdata904/nirc2eng/2004jul26/'):
if (hdr.get('LSPROP') == 'yes'):
aotsxy = [float(hdr['AOTSX']), float(hdr['AOTSY'])]
# Another special case: 09may01 UT had a AOTSX/Y linear drift.
# Found drift with 09maylgs/clean/kp/coord.py
if ((hdr['OUTDIR']).strip() == '/sdata903/nirc3/2009may01/'):
mjdobs = float(hdr['MJD-OBS'])
# old distortion solution (pre-ship) gives:
#aotsxy[0] -= (1.895701e5*0.727) + (-3.449709*0.727) * mjdobs
# new distortion solution (yelda et al. 2010)
aotsxy[0] -= (1.903193e5*0.727) + (-3.463342*0.727) * mjdobs
print(( 'getAotsxy: modified from %8.3f %8.3f to %8.3f %8.3f' % \
(float(hdr['AOTSX']), float(hdr['AOTSY']),
aotsxy[0], aotsxy[1]) ))
# Another special case: 10jul06 UT had a AOTSX/Y linear drift.
# Found drift with 10jullgs1/clean/kp/coord.py
if ((hdr['OUTDIR']).strip() == '/sdata903/nirc3/2010jul06/'):
mjdobs = float(hdr['MJD-OBS'])
# new distortion solution (yelda et al. 2010)
aotsxy[0] -= (2.039106e5*0.727) + (-3.681807*0.727) * mjdobs
print(( 'getAotsxy: modified from %8.3f %8.3f to %8.3f %8.3f' % \
(float(hdr['AOTSX']), float(hdr['AOTSY']),
aotsxy[0], aotsxy[1]) ))
# Note: OBFMYIM refers to X, and vice versa!
aotsxy = [float(hdr['OBFMYIM']), float(hdr['OBFMXIM'])]
# 04jullgs
# Assumes that 04jullgs has AOTSX/AOTSY keywords were added
# by hand (see raw/fix_headers.py)
# Note: OBFMYIM refers to X, and vice versa!
#aotsxy = [float(hdr['OBFMYIM']), float(hdr['OBFMXIM'])]
aotsxy = [float(hdr['AOTSX']), float(hdr['AOTSY'])]
return aotsxy
def pix2radec():
print( 'Not done yet' )
def radec2pix(radec, phi, scale, posRef):
"""Determine pixel shifts from true RA and Dec positions.
@param radec: a 2-element list containing the RA and Dec in degrees.
@type radec: float list
@param phi: position angle (E of N) in degrees.
@type phi: float
@param scale: arcsec per pixel.
@type scale: float
@param posRef: 2-element list containing the ra, dec positions (in degrees)
of a reference object.
@type posRef: float list
# Expected in degrees
ra = radec[0]
dec = radec[1]
# Difference in RA and Dec. Converted to arcsec.
d_ra = math.radians(ra - posRef[0]) * 206265.0
d_dec = math.radians(dec - posRef[1]) * 206265.0
cos = math.cos(math.radians(phi))
sin = math.sin(math.radians(phi))
cosdec = math.cos(math.radians(dec))
d_x = (d_ra * cosdec * cos) + (d_dec * sin)
d_y = (d_ra * cosdec * sin) - (d_dec * cos)
d_x = d_x * (1.0/scale)
d_y = d_y * (1.0/scale)
return [d_x, d_y]
def aotsxy2pix(aotsxy, scale, aotsxyRef, inst_angle=0.0):
# Determine pixel shifts from AOTSX and AOTSY positions.
x = aotsxy[0]
y = aotsxy[1]
x_ref = aotsxyRef[0]
y_ref = aotsxyRef[1]
# AOTSX,Y are in units of mm. Conversion is 0.727 mm/arcsec
d_x = (x - x_ref) / 0.727
d_y = (y - y_ref) / 0.727
d_x = d_x * (1.0/scale)
d_y = d_y * (1.0/scale)
# Rotate to the instrument PA
cosa = np.cos(np.radians(-inst_angle))
sina = np.sin(np.radians(-inst_angle))
rot_matrix = np.array([[cosa, sina], [-sina, cosa]])
coo_ao = np.array([d_x, d_y])
coo_inst = rot_matrix.dot(coo_ao)
d_x = coo_inst[0]
d_y = coo_inst[1]
return [d_x, d_y]
def pcuxy2pix(pcuxy, phi, scale, pcuxyRef):
"""Determine pixel shifts from true RA and Dec positions.
@param pcuxy: a 2-element list containing the PCU x and y in mm.
@type pcuxy: float list
@param phi: position angle (E of N) in degrees.
@type phi: float
@param scale: mm per pixel.
@type scale: float
@param pcuxyRef: 2-element list containing the PCU x, y positions (in mm) in the reference position.
@type pcuxyRef: float list
# Since our reference point is the centre of the pinhole mask, which is the rotation axis, the position angle has no effect, there is just translation.
d_x = (pcuxy[0]-pcuxyRef[0])/scale #positive x mm = positive pixels
d_y = -(pcuxy[1]-pcuxyRef[1])/scale #positive y mm = negative pixels (after OSIRIS flip)
return [d_x, d_y]
def pix2xyarcsec(xypix, phi, scale, sgra):
"""Determine E and N offsets from Sgr A* (in arcsec) from
pixel positions and the pixel position of Sgr A*.
xypix: 2-element list containing the RA and Dec in degrees.
phi: position angle (E of N) in degrees.
scale: arcsec per pixel.
sgra: 2-element list containing the pixel position of Sgr A*.
# Expected in arcseconds
xpix = xypix[0] - sgra[0]
ypix = xypix[1] - sgra[1]
cos = math.cos(math.radians(phi))
sin = math.sin(math.radians(phi))
d_x = (xpix * cos) + (xpix * sin)
d_y = -(xpix * sin) + (ypix * cos)
d_x = d_x * -scale
d_y = d_y * scale
return [d_x, d_y]
def xyarcsec2pix(xyarcsec, phi, scale):
"""Determine pixel shifts from E and N offsets from Sgr A*.
xyarcsec: 2-element list containing the RA and Dec in degrees.
phi: position angle (E of N) in degrees.
scale: arcsec per pixel.
# Expected in arcseconds
xarc = xyarcsec[0]
yarc = xyarcsec[1]
cos = math.cos(math.radians(phi))
sin = math.sin(math.radians(phi))
d_x = (-xarc * cos) + (yarc * sin)
d_y = (xarc * sin) + (yarc * cos)
d_x = d_x * (1.0/scale)
d_y = d_y * (1.0/scale)
return [d_x, d_y]
def rotate_coo(x, y, phi):
"""Rotate the coordinates in the *.coo files for data sets
containing images at different PAs.
# Rotate around center of image, and keep origin at center
xin = 512.
yin = 512.
xout = 512.
yout = 512.
cos = math.cos(math.radians(phi))
sin = math.sin(math.radians(phi))
xrot = (x - xin) * cos - (y - yin) * sin + xout
yrot = (x - xin) * sin + (y - yin) * cos + yout
return [xrot, yrot]
def getScale(hdr, instrument=instruments.default_inst):
return instrument.get_plate_scale(hdr)
def getPA(hdr, instrument=instruments.default_inst):
return instrument.get_position_angle(hdr)
def getCentralWavelength(hdr, instrument=instruments.default_inst):
return instrument.get_central_wavelength(hdr)
def calcOverhead(tint, coadds, ndithers, nframes, reads, tread=0.181):
t = 0.0
if (ndithers > 1):
t += 6.0 * (ndithers + 1.0)
t += 12.0 * nframes * ndithers
t += ndithers * nframes * coadds * (tint + tread*(reads - 1.0))
tmin = t / 60.0
print(( '\tIntegration time: %.3f' % tint ))
print(( '\tNumber of Coadds: %d' % coadds ))
print(( '\tNumber of Dither Positions: %d' % ndithers ))
print(( '\tFrames at each Position: %d' % nframes ))
print(( '\tNumber of Reads: %d' % reads ))
print(( 'Total elapsed observing time = %5d sec (or %5.1f min)' % \
(t, tmin) ))
def plotKeyword(keyword1, keyword2, imgList):
Pass in a file containing a list of images. For each of these
images, read out the values of the header keywords specified.
Then plot each of the keywords against each other.
tab = Table.read(imgList, format='ascii', header_start=None)
files = [tab[i][0].strip() for i in range(len(tab))]
value1 = np.zeros(len(tab), dtype=float)
value2 = np.zeros(len(tab), dtype=float)
print(( keyword1, keyword2 ))
for ff in range(len(files)):
hdr = fits.getheader(files[ff], ignore_missing_end=True)
value1[ff] = hdr[keyword1]
value2[ff] = hdr[keyword2]
import pylab as py
py.plot(value1, value2, 'k.')
return (value1, value2)