Source code for kai.reduce.reduce_template

# General Notes:
# -- python uses spaces to figure out the beginnings
#    and ends of functions/loops/etc. So make sure
#    to preserve spacings properly (indent). This
#    is easy to do if you use emacs with python mode
#    and color coding.
# -- You will probably need to edit almost every
#    single line of the go() function.
# -- If you need help on the individual function calls,
#    then in the pyraf prompt, import the module and
#    then print the documentation for that function:
#    --> print kai.kailog.__doc__
#    --> print range.__doc__

# Import python and iraf modules
from pyraf import iraf as ir
import numpy as np
import os, sys
import glob

# Import our own custom modules
from kai.reduce import calib
from kai.reduce import sky
from kai.reduce import data
from kai.reduce import util
from kai.reduce import dar
from kai.reduce import kai_util
from kai import instruments

# Change the epoch, instrument, and distortion solution.
[docs] epoch = '19apr21'
[docs] nirc2 = instruments.NIRC2() # don't necessarily need this as NIRC2 is the default.
########## # Make electronic logs # - run this first thing for a new observing run. ##########
[docs] def makelog(): """Make an electronic log from all the files in the ../raw/ directory. The file will be called kai.log and stored in the same directory. @author Jessica Lu @author Sylvana Yelda """ kai_util.makelog('../raw', instrument=nirc2) # If you are reducing OSIRIS, you need to flip the images first. # raw_files = glob.glob('../raw/i*.fits') # osiris.flip_images(raw_files) # Download weather data we will need. dar.get_atm_conditions('2020') return
############### # Analyze darks ###############
[docs] def analyze_darks(): """Analyze the dark_calib results """ util.mkdir('calib') os.chdir('calib') first_dark = 16 calib.analyzeDarkCalib(first_dark) # Doesn't support OSIRIS yet os.chdir('../')
########## # Reduce ##########
[docs] def go(): """Do the full data reduction. @author Jessica Lu @author Sylvana Yelda """ #################### # # Calibration files: # everything created under calib/ # #################### # Darks - created in subdir darks/ # Files n0001 - n0009 # - darks needed to make bad pixel mask # - store the resulting dark in the file name that indicates the # integration time (2.8s) and the coadds (10ca). # -- If you use the OSIRIS image, you must include the full filename in the list. darkFiles = list(range(1, 9+1)) calib.makedark(darkFiles, 'dark_2.8s_10ca.fits', instrument=nirc2) # Flats - created in subdir flats/ # Files n0037,n0039,n0041,n0043,n0045: lamps off for flats at K # Files n0038,n0040,n0042,n0044,n0046: lamps on for flats at K offFiles = [37, 39, 41, 43, 45] onFiles = [38, 40, 42, 44, 46] calib.makeflat(onFiles, offFiles, 'flat_kp.fits', instrument=nirc2) # Masks (assumes files were created under calib/darks/ and calib/flats/) calib.makemask('dark_2.8s_10ca.fits', 'flat_kp.fits', 'supermask.fits', instrument=nirc2) #################### # # Galactic Center # #################### ########## # K-band reduction ########## #util.mkdir('kp') #os.chdir('kp') # Nite 1: # SCI frames (don't forget to add 1 at end): 108-237 # reference star position in first image: [407.77, 673.87] # use a different Strehl star at position: [521.79, 398.92] # Sky frames (don't forget to add 1 at end): 252-261 # # -- If you have more than one position angle, make sure to # clean them seperatly. # -- Strehl and Ref src should be the pixel coordinates of a bright # (but non saturated) source in the first exposure of sci_files. # -- If you use the OSIRIS image, you must include the full filename in the list. sci_files1 = list(range(108, 237+1)) refSrc1 = [407.77, 673.87] strSrc1 = [521.79, 398.92] sky_files1 = list(range(252, 261+1)) # sky.makesky(sky_files1, 'nite1', 'kp', instrument=nirc2) data.clean(sci_files1, 'nite1', 'kp', refSrc1, strSrc1, instrument=nirc2) # Nite 2: # SCI frames (don't forget to add 1 at end): 1108-1237 # reference star position in first image: [407.77, 673.87] # use a different Strehl star at position: [521.79, 398.92] # Sky frames (don't forget to add 1 at end): 1252-1261 and 1400-1405 # -- If you use the OSIRIS image, you must include the full filename in the list. sci_files2 = list(range(1108, 1237+1)) refSrc2 = [407.77, 673.87] strSrc2 = [521.79, 398.92] sky_files2 = list(range(1252, 1261+1)) + list(range(1400, 1405+1)) # sky.makesky(sky_files2, 'nite2', 'kp', instrument=nirc2) data.clean(sci_files2, 'nite2', 'kp', refSrc2, strSrc2, instrument=nirc2) # Combine: # Combine all of them together (from both nights). # Do frame selection (trim=1). # Weight by Strehl (weight='strehl'). # Make 3 submaps. # -- If you use the OSIRIS image, you must include the full filename in the list. sci_files = sci_files1 + sci_files2 data.calcStrehl(sci_files, 'kp', instrument=nirc2) data.combine(sci_files, 'kp', '06junlgs', trim=1, weight='strehl', submaps=3, instrument=nirc2) os.chdir('../') ############ # Lp ############ #util.mkdir('lp') #os.chdir('lp') # Nite 1 sky_files = list(range(38, 53+1)) sci_files = list(range(87, 94+1)) + list(range(115,122+1)) refSrc = [695., 543.] strSrc = [680., 839.] sky.makesky_lp(sky_files, 'nite1', 'lp') data.clean(sci_files, 'nite1', 'lp', refSrc, strSrc) data.calcStrehl(sci_files, 'lp') data.combine(sci_files, 'lp', '06junlgs', trim=0, weight=None, submaps=3) os.chdir('../')
# # Could do other wavelengths or different fields (e.g. Arches). # Can pass in a field flag, for example: # data.clean(arch_files,'nite1','kp',refSrc,strSrc, # field='f1') # data.combine(arch_files,'kp','06maylgs1',trim=1,weight='strehl' # field='f1',submaps=3) # ############ # Jackknife ############
[docs] def jackknife(): """ Perform the Jackknife data reduction. The methodology is as follows: For N total images, there are N stacked images created by data.combine(), each of these combo frames consists of N-1 images. The suffix '_{i}' is given to each jackknife combo frame (i.e. mag27maylgs_12_ks.fits would be the 12th jackknife combo frame created). Submaps flag has been turned off for this function, as it is not needed. """ ########## # Ks-band reduction ########## # Nite 1 sci_files1 = list(range(173, 177+1)) sky_files1 = list(range(206, 215+1)) refSrc1 = [385., 440.] #This is the target nearest to center sky.makesky(sky_files1, 'nite1', 'ks', instrument=nirc2) data.clean(sci_files1, 'nite1', 'ks', refSrc1, refSrc1, instrument=nirc2) # Nite 2 sci_files2 = list(range(195, 203+1)) sky_files2 = list(range(206, 215+1)) refSrc2 = [387., 443.] #This is the target nearest to center sky.makesky(sky_files2, 'nite2', 'ks', instrument=nirc2) data.clean(sci_files2, 'nite2', 'ks', refSrc2, refSrc2, instrument=nirc2) #----------------- sci_files = sci_files1 + sci_files2 for i in enumerate(sci_files, start=1): jack_list = sci_files[:] jack_list.remove(i[1]) data.calcStrehl(jack_list, 'ks', instrument=nirc2) data.combine(jack_list, 'ks', '27maylgs', trim=1, weight='strehl', instrument=nirc2, outSuffix='_' + str(i[0])) os.chdir('reduce')