Source code for test_drizzle

import numpy as np
from kai import instruments
from import fits
import os, shutil

[docs] nirc2 = instruments.NIRC2()
[docs] def test_drizzle_single_iraf(): from pyraf import iraf as ir # Image we will distortion correct: img_in = 'cd0138.fits' img_out = 'c0138_iraf.fits' _wgt = 'wgt0138.fits' _dlog = 'c0138_iraf_drz.log' imgsize = 1024 # Setup the drizzle parameters we will use ir.module.load('stsdas', doprint=0, hush=1) ir.module.load('analysis', doprint=0, hush=1) ir.module.load('dither', doprint=0, hush=1) ir.unlearn('drizzle') ir.drizzle.outweig = '' ir.drizzle.in_mask = '' ir.drizzle.wt_scl = 1 ir.drizzle.outnx = imgsize ir.drizzle.outny = imgsize ir.drizzle.pixfrac = 1 ir.drizzle.kernel = 'lanczos3' ir.drizzle.scale = 1 ir.drizzle.shft_un = 'input' ir.drizzle.shft_fr = 'output' ir.drizzle.align = 'center' ir.drizzle.expkey = 'ITIME' ir.drizzle.in_un = 'counts' ir.drizzle.out_un = 'counts' # Get the distortion maps for this instrument. hdr = fits.getheader(img_in) xgeoim, ygeoim = kai.get_distortion_maps(hdr) xgeoim_local = 'nirc2_distX.fits' ygeoim_local = 'nirc2_distY.fits' shutil.copy(xgeoim, xgeoim_local) shutil.copy(ygeoim, ygeoim_local) ir.drizzle.xgeoim = xgeoim_local ir.drizzle.ygeoim = ygeoim_local ir.drizzle(img_in, img_out, outweig=_wgt, Stdout=_dlog) return
[docs] def test_drizzle_single_py(): """ RUN conda activate astroconda before using this code. """ from drizzle import drizzle from astropy import wcs # Image we will distortion correct: img_in = 'cd0138.fits' img_out = 'c0138_py.fits' _wgt = 'wgt0138.fits' _dlog = 'c0138_py_drz.log' imgsize = 1024 # Get the WCS for the output image hdulist = img = hdulist[0].data hdr = hdulist[0].header wgt = fits.getdata(_wgt) wcs_in = wcs.WCS(hdr) wcs_out = wcs.WCS(hdr) # Get the distortion maps for this instrument. xgeoim, ygeoim = kai.get_distortion_maps(hdr) xgeoim = fits.getdata(xgeoim).astype('float32') ygeoim = fits.getdata(ygeoim).astype('float32') xdist = wcs.DistortionLookupTable( xgeoim, [0, 0], [0, 0], [1, 1]) ydist = wcs.DistortionLookupTable( ygeoim, [0, 0], [0, 0], [1, 1]) wcs_in.cpdis1 = xdist wcs_in.cpdis2 = ydist # wcs_out.cpdis1 = xdist # wcs_out.cpdis2 = ydist # # Testing # one = np.ones(2, dtype='float64') # idxmap = np.indices((imgsize, imgsize), dtype='float64') # idxmap = idxmap.transpose() + one # idxmap = idxmap.reshape(imgsize * imgsize, 2) # worldmap_in = wcs_in.all_pix2world(idxmap, 1) # worldmap_out = wcs_out.all_pix2world(idxmap, 1) # pixmap = wcs_out.wcs_world2pix(worldmap_in, 1) # print(pixmap[50000:50005]) # pixmap = pixmap.reshape(imgsize, imgsize, 2) # pixmap = pixmap - one # print(idxmap[50000:50005]) # print(pixmap[50000:50005]) # print(worldmap_in[50000:50005]) # print(worldmap_out[50000:50005]) # print('') # print(xgeoim.flatten()[50000:50005]) # print(ygeoim.flatten()[50000:50005]) import pdb # pdb.set_trace() # Initialize the output with the WCS driz = drizzle.Drizzle(outwcs = wcs_out, wt_scl = '', pixfrac = 1.0, kernel = 'lanczos3') # Combine the input images into on drizzle image # driz.add_fits_file(img_in, # inweight = _wgt, # xmax = imgsize, # ymax = imgsize, # unitkey = 'counts', # expkey = 'ITIME') driz.add_image(img, wcs_in, inwht = wgt, expin = 1.0, xmax = imgsize, ymax = imgsize, wt_scl = 1.0, in_units = 'cps') # Write the drizzled image out driz.write(img_out) # Read in the input and output files and compare. img_new = fits.getdata(img_out, extname='sci') img_iraf = fits.getdata('c0138_iraf.fits') print('orig') print(img[500:505, 500:505]) print('py_new') print(img_new[500:505, 500:505]) print('ir_new') print(img_iraf[500:505, 500:505]) print() print(img.shape, img_new.shape, img_iraf.shape) # pdb.set_trace() return